Join industry leaders Jonmichael Hands and Arie van der Hoeven at SNIA’s SDC’24 as they dive into “Product Circularity: Integrating Sustainability into Storage Design & Development.” 🌍💾
📅 When: Wednesday, September 18th at 1:30 PM
📍 Where: Santa Clara, CA
Register here:
SDC is a premier educational conference dedicated to to providing vendor-neutral information on advancements in data technology. Delve into a dynamic environment featuring curated tutorials, insightful sessions, and keynote speakers selected by industry experts. Whether you’re a software engineer, product manager, or CTO, SDC caters to professionals across all disciplines. Join us at SDC to embrace the evolving landscape of technology and expand your expertise.
Discount code available for CDI Member Company employees. Email alice at circulardrives dot org to get the code (until August 28, 2024).